Monday, May 4, 2009

16. Questions for central themes. Due Friday, May 8th

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Baalbaki thinks that…”

Then, write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble. Find an example from US history which disproves their theory.


Lionzo B. said...

Rubiyath Had said: " America loves and tries to help people so much, that it accidently destroys them". This quote makes a lot of sense and I agree but it's missing something or a lot of things. Does it really go with your beliefs? I mean I don't think that's the central theme of America, America is a country full of good things and interesting systems at the top, but in the bottom it's full of corruption and greed and eventually it catches up to us. America isn't that retarded to destroy people by accident, or are they really ?

Michelle N said...

The comment i have chosen is by Rubiyath Chy. He wrote " I believe the central theme of American History is that " America loves and tries to help people so much, that it accidently destroys them."
I disagree with his belief on the central theme for America. Like i dont understand why would you think that America tries so hard that it destorys them. Just like Lionzo said, America isnt that retarded and how would it do it by accident. America is capable of fixing problems. For example- we are in depth right now but they will find a solution to the problem.

Charles rampersant said...

Rinalldi wassenbeck stated:
3. The central theme of America to me is the Yin and Yang sign. I say this because Yin is good and America is a good country and has right ideas and wants everyone to be free and happy. But even with good there has to be bad which is Yang to America its the problems with war because of out last president. Also our country is in alot of dept which is causing people to lose there jobs and homes.

I dissagree and agree but when it comes to money that is the central theme because of the depressions and recessions, money is needed to get food on the table while you can be good or badd and make alot of money or help the economy out.

Richard Yusupov said...

I question both Chingiz and Tara Mango. Cingiz says that there was many mistakes in the past,wars and so on. He said that we should not repeat the mistakes our ancestors made. Aren't we carrying their burden?! One president made economc criss and we go through it now. We had many wars before and are still having wars. Our new president wanted change and to be different and he also failed because it was overwelming! Tara said that we should have life and live it. It is easy saying that to yourself because everything is so great! Just imangine saying it to slaves being tortured people dying in wars who wanted to die when going through it. Just live to poverty suffering death and regret saying such false words which will never be acknowledged!!!! written by richard yusupov

chris said...

I disagree with Charels he sais that it takes money to make money. But I feel in americas case they can make money with out money because when they origanaly went to war with england they had no money they didn’t have trained men. It wasent wery easy but they used the weponds they hade from england against england.So just there is an example that you don’t need money to make money.

Deniss Sivohins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deniss Sivohins said...

The comment I chose was Chingiz. Chingiz thinks that

1. I think Mark Twain and John Adams disagree with each other because Mark Twain said that America is not really good place, but John Adams said that America is beautiful.

2. Will Roger’s idea is most closest to my own beliefs because he said: "You can't say civilization don't advance... in every war they kill you in a new way."

Every invent that had made in world had used in war. Steam engines was used in military boats, metal working used in guns, boats, swords, gun powder was invented for salutes, but now it used for bombs, bullets, grenades.

3. All countries had forming thousands of years, but America formed from several colonies to a most powerful country in the world. America had repeated all wars, all mistakes for 600 years. But unlike other countries America didn’t hide own mistakes, America analyzing them and trying not to repeat these mistakes.

America History is terrible because all conflicts and wars from thousands years were concentrated in hundreds, but American History was also very useful: every government must learn how to not repeat own mistakes.

My question to Chingiz about his comment is (Question #1) “ What quote would you have written if you were Mark Twain and John Adams at the time when they wrote there quote? What would your propose be for the quote you written? (Question #2) “ Why do you think that every invention had been used in War? How do you know that every kind of invention had a propose in a War? (Question #3) “ Why does the government have to learn how to not repeat their own mistakes in the past or present? Why should they not? I think that the government should repeat there own mistakes because it would show how it feels to make the simplest and hardest mistakes and than see what went wrong than not repeating it, if we did not felt the mistake and not repeating it we would not have the true knowledge of the mistakes but only false. From the US history, which disproves Chingiz theory is that when George Bush was president of United States, he gave us American citizens an economy crisis that is now today because he was senting money to war to fight Iraq and other stuff. This was a mistake and a burden to us. Some people don’t care if we did the same mistake; we still are having wars today. We are caring our own ancestor’s burden of mistakes today. Our new President Barrak Obama wanted to change what the President before had done and to be different, but he too as the president in the past and present was too overwhelmed of how hard it is to fix the mistakes and the mistakes within. This is my question and from the US history, which disproves Chingiz theory.

Short summary of Iraq War: Brief conflict in 2003 between Iraq and a combined force of troops largely from the U.S. and Great Britain; and a subsequent U.S.-led occupation of Iraq and protracted Iraqi armed insurgency against it. The trade embargo and weapons-inspection process that the UN imposed on Iraq following the Persian Gulf War (1990 – 91) had partly fallen into abeyance by 2001. U.S. Pres. George W. Bush argued that the September 11 attacks on the U.S. in that same year highlighted the threat to U.S. security posed by hostile countries such as Iraq. In November 2002 the UN issued Security Council Resolution 1441 demanding that Iraq readmit weapons inspectors and comply with all previous resolutions. Although inspectors did return to Iraq, Bush and Blair declared in early 2003 (despite objections by many world leaders) that Iraq was continuing to hinder UN inspections and that it still retained proscribed weapons. On March 20 the U.S. and Britain (with smaller troop contingents from other countries) launched a series of air attacks on Iraq, and a ground invasion followed. Iraqi forces were rapidly defeated, and on April 9 U.S. forces took control of the capital, Baghdad. British forces completed their occupation of the southern city of Al-Basrah the same day, and by May 1 the major combat operations of the invasion had been completed. However, the U.S. and other occupying forces were soon embroiled in escalating guerrilla warfare in Iraq that hindered Iraq's recovery and killed thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians. The war, long opposed by many throughout the world, also became increasingly unpopular in the U.S. This is the short summary of Iraq War.

rinaldiwasembeck said...

The coment i chose to pick was Charles rampersant he said 3)

Americas history revolves around money buying and selling items for war,land ect. It thakes money to make money

I agree but disagree at the same time because even if you have money if you dont have the respect and freedom do you think you would get anything? Also during the Revolutionary War the colonies didnt have money or trained soldiers they didnt have good weapons like great britian

caraevenstein said...

Ciera Corely said: "Power is in the center of or heart. It keeps us pumping. It keeps us standing tall. But with greed our heart fails. And we are forced to die."
In a way i disagree with what she said. It is true that power is the center of our heart and it keeps us pumping but with greed, i think you are also powerful. Do you think greed is an example of power? Do you believe that maybe even the people who have power will fail and also be forced to die? This quotes leaves people alot of opinions.

Imani Clarke said...

Rubiyath thinks that "America loves and tries to help people so much, that it accidentally destroys them"
I disagree with his whole central theme of what America is really about.
I disagree with this because America has helped many countries and are still helping them to the fullest.
For example Africa, America has many charities like Africare and (RED).
They help earn money which goes straight to Africa and from there the people will be able to buy medication for HIV/AIDS also they use the money to supply food clothing and other resources that they need to survive.
So my question for Rubiyath is do you still think that every time America tries to help out they end up destroying something ?

Rubiyath chy said...

Mr. Lionso Bienaime clearly and definely stated as his central theme is that: there has to be a start to everything right? And there has to be a end also right? But you know whats interesting? Its is how America is going to end it all, or is it going to end itself? But Mr. Lionso is wrong, you said America is going to end it all or is it going to end itself..I dont agree with this because you see America never basically, even today still stopped the war in Iraq and I definately dont think Iraq has enough power to end it by itself.
Dear Mr Lionso,
Do you think you can you use this central theme of " America is going to end it all or is it going to end by it self" to explain to millions of Iraqians that their family members will be back who died from the war? Also do you think you can use this central theme to return Iraq's economy? I dont think so. Yes America does lead everything to a end but in a violent way. Its not easy as a saying to return it all.

biancat said...

The comment i chose was written by Lionzo. I really agread with his way of thinking. I belive that now people have turned greedy lazy but cizilized. Of course not all people are lazy and greedy but now mojority is. We do what we want, when ever we want but when it comes to the people higher than us we are scared like roches that are about to be killed. Araid of the goverment. I think thats ridiculas because they are the same as anyone.In the goverment meating were there are bodyguards and police they are erogant and rude people, but once there outside of that "protection" they are nothing but hated people that can easily be killed. I know that its a persons opinion.I myself think that if this keeps up America will not be such a "great" place to live in. My question for Lionzo is, would tou continue liveng in America if it got to a point were your freedome was held by a leash and nagd around when they chose to do something risky?

Chingiz said...

My question is to Imani Clarke. She said:

"3.I think that the central theme in American History is war, terror, and money.
I believe so because in the past there have been many wars and massacre's all around
America. Also there are still wars and fighting going on to this day.
We as the people spend money and have to pay taxes so that the U.S Army, Navy, Marines, Etc. would have money to pay for equipment.
That's billions and billions of dollars we are spending just over a war."

I agree that a lot of money spending for army, but these money mostly spending for DEFENDING.

But everything is comporative. My question is: if US history was so terrible, how terible was history of another countries? If you compare US history and history of ANY other country, US history was peacefull. Yes, there are a lot of wars in US history, but if you would do a adjustment for compressing history of US from thousands to hundreeds years...

Lionzo B. said...

I'm answering Rubiyath, well your right I don't think that is really the central theme. But you didn't even challenge me, well because America is not messed up just because of some Iraq war, there was other wars, and there is crimes, money issues, sickness and so much more. To challenge me you should of ask "how do you think America is going to end" or something. And what I think the central theme is, is this: "America started from nothing and created great systems, but the only issue is they get to caught up in their own success and forget they have failures" -Lionzo B.

Nicole Ma said...

Ciera said...
1. Yes, some of the authors disagree with each other. I believe that George Santayana and Thomas Jefferson had different opinions. George Santayana says the past is more important than the future. That we need to know the past in order to move forward. Thomas Jefferson believes the the future is what we should be concerned about our future and we plan for the future not the past.

2."I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature, and that power weather vested in many or a few is ever grasping, and like the grave cries give, give. The great fish swallows up the small, and like he who is most strenuous for the rights of the people, when vested with power, is as eager after the prerogatives of government. You tell me of degrees of perfection to which Humane Nature is capable of arriving, and I believe it, but at the same time lament that our admiration should arise from the scarcity of the instances.." Abigail Adams. I believe she is right. Everyone with great power goes math with it. Weather they believe its right thing or want it their own way. For example Andrew Jackson went mad with power. He took over the Indian American's land and forced them out. People were fed up with his rude attitude and his ego. Another example is slavery in America. America was known as the nation of freedom, yet white men were aloud to have slaves. Blacks had no rights. Whites had all the power. Also another example is England's power of America. The people of America were disgusted with the jobs they had to do and the money they had to pay just for King George.

3. Power is in the center of or heart. It keeps us pumping. It keeps us standing tall. But with greed our heart fails. And we are forced to die.

My question is: You said that people go mad with power. Is there one person in the world that didn't go mad? Is it possible to have power without being mad at the same time? How and why.

Raymond Chen said...

The comment I chose to comment on and question is Charles Rampersant's. He believes that we should just forget about the past and only worry about the future. I don't really think doing this would be such a good idea. Forgetting the past and thinking about the future will probably only turn our mistakes into a cycle, and we'll go in circles repeating the same mistake over and over again. Remembering what we did wrong is essential to helping make the right decisions. There isn't much of a point of making a mistake and never learning from it, each time we come across the situation. Thinking about the past might give us ideas for the future. For example, when invention is made, we're always trying to improve the invention to make life even easier.
We need to use the past on a regular and everyday basis.
1) Why would we want to forget about the past and just simply move on with our lives if the mistake is likely to be made again? What good would that do?
2) If we haven't learned from our wrong choices and mistakes, how would things in the future lead you to better things in life when everything's probably the same, and we'll just redo our mistakes?
3) Many things such as modern computers, automobiles, planes, and lots of other technology were improved over time from the original. How would we have such advanced technology and gone so far if we didn't think of the past and use it as a guide in our lives to help us? By only concentrating on the future, and not using the past, but rather neglecting it and pretending it never happened, wouldn't we have to start everything we've done and redo it from scratch?

Isaiah Write said...

Rubiyath, your central theme is true but..... i believe that america is more of a place with greed,corruption,and war.Anybody can take advantage of you at anytime.What do u think is the purpose of wall street.It's just a bunch of men in suits trying to think of cunning and sly ways to take your money.Why do you think we are in war right now?We are in war to take more oil,so companies can get more money.Thats all what america is about.The civil war also,was about money.The south wanted the slaves so they can make more money.

Matthew Bergin said...

This is what Chris said-.The pepole i think disagree are John Adams and mark Twain.John Adams is sayin how great the united states is but the are scared because we are the under dogs.Mark twain says america is beutiful but it would have been beter if we would have mist it.
2.I think the dog that is nice but when it wagsil it its tail it does more harm then good.When Andrew jackson moved the native americans west better known as the trail of tears. It ended up killing hundreds of people that were making the trip.Also when they tried to make piece with england they did something wrong and they went strait back to war with them.
3.I the central theeme of america is freedom and equality.when we freed the slavees sure we took a while to get ajusted to them but now theres even an african american president today. So that shows freedom and equality.
On some parts, i agree with chris. But His central theme, i don't think is right. Sure america is about freedom and equality, but why did we take the slaves?

Susana Liang said...

Mr. Yusupov thinks that “1. I think the authors Mark Twain and John Adams Do disagree with each other. Mark says that finding America was a good thing but missing would be a better thing. John thinks America is beautiful, scared and is a great place to live in.
2.The statement saying "You can't say civilization don't advance... in every war they kill you in a new way." written by Will Rogers. In the French and Indian war Indians used stones and arrows as weapons. The civil war had guns and cannons. In World War 2 there were tanks, missiles, and bombs from planes.
3.I believe that the central theme of American history is "America along with its citizens and rulers are ruled by greed, power and hate while some people try to fight it. Written by Richard Yusupov”

My question to Mr. Yusupov is that “How do you know that all these weapons were used at war and based on greed power and hate what does it have to do with how America is a good thing but missing it would be better and how its beautiful and scared and is a good place to live in?

Ms. Frederick said...

Ian says:

Rubiyath Chy quoted: America loves and tries to help people so much, that it accidentally destroys them. I respectfully disagree with Rubiyath because the United Sates of America is ruled by a democracy and citizens do not have to be ruled by a monarchy or etc. The United States of America is one of the only countries that allows you to have lots of freedom. Citizens are allowed to preach their own relegion, have freedom of press, and speech. If you are a immigrant you can build your life in this country and hopefully make lots of money unlike other countries which people make minumum wages.
America also offers many jobs and health care benefits in other countries you do not recieve the same health care tratments then what the United States has to offer. We have the best known doctors in all medical fields. The United States is the best country to live and grow up in. Im so glad to be born in the greatest country in the world.