Monday, September 15, 2008

3. Questioning, Due Thursday

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Baalbaki thinks that…”

Then, write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble.


Deniss Sivohins said...

My comment I chose is Susana Liang. This is her comment; my presidential campaign is Barack Obama. On May 29,2007 Obama made a speech about health care in Iowa City, IA. Barack Obama said “We now face an opportunity — and an obligation — to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates… My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.” Obama is making a new national health care plan for all Americans including all the self-employed and small businesses, for people so they could afford health coverage. Definitely no American will be turned down from any insurance company because of illness or any illnesses that you have had before. What Deniss thinks about this comment is that, Why can’t you make health insurance free for the people who need it the most to survive?

Susana Liang said...

The comment I choose was Alexander Calangi. His comment was about on the war of Iraq. Mr.Calangi thinks that Obama = the war on Iraq
This is Obama’s prospective on the war in Iraq. Obama says that “Here is the truth: fighting a war without end will not force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future. And fighting in a war without end will not make the American people safer. “So when I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal on day one: I will end this war. Not because politics compels it. Not because our troops cannot bear the burden- as heavy as it is”. But because it is the right thing to do for our national security, and it will ultimately make us safer. According to that statement he believes that he wants to end the war very quickly. Also, he wants all of our soldiers to get out as quick as possible. Obama says that once he is president he will still support Iraq’s government and make sure that it will not be filled with destruction and terrorists again. That is what Obama will do if elected president.
My question for Alexander Calangi is that how would Obama support the Iraq government and make sure that there would be no destruction or terrorists again?
My answer for Deniss Sivohins is that health care people need to do their job. If the health care people help most of the people for free they wont get paid a lot or as much, they would just be doing volunteer work.

Lionzo B. said...

The comment I chose to talk about was Katie's. She said:
"My candidate is john McCain. My issue is abortion. John McCain has recently stated that abortion is a tragedy in the human race. This was stated on
McCain has stated abortion to be illegal in many recent interviews.
John McCain said in an interview he is against abortion with the only exceptions of rape."Well Kate why should abortion only be excepted because of rape? Isn't it possible that worst things can happen if mothers aren't allowed to get abortions? Its true abortion is not really a good choice but its a choice that the only the mother should make.

Nicole Ma said...

The comment I chose is ciera. She wrote:
My presidential campaign is Barack Obama. The presidential issue of interest to me is health care. Obama’s plan on health care is to supply every American with health insurance. He states that if you already have health insurance the only thing that will change is the amount of money you will spend will be less. But if you are one of the forty- five million Americans with out health care you will have to have it because it will be a law. What has Obama done about the forty- five millions of people with out any health care? Well, in 2005 Senator Obama spoke at the commencement of the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine about the importance of health information technology. He also held a speech on world aids. Obama will make available a new national health plan to all Americans, including the self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health care. Barack Obama has said that there will be lowering costs, increasing Medicaid, and to try to reduce risks.
My question for her is that why can't Obama use our taxes to pay for the health care for the people in need instead of finding ways to get them health care?

Imani Clarke said...

Matthew bergen says that John McCain supports the government of Iraq to be capable of supporting it's self. He does not want to discharge the troops until this happens. But i have a question for you do you think its right for all of these troops to lose their lives everyday over this silly war?

katie savarese said...

The person I chose is Tara mango. In her comment she stated y candidate is Barrack Obama. He supports many issues, he also has changed his mind many times. As president, Barrack Obama will implement a 21st century economic agenda to help ensure that America can compete in a global economy, and ensure the middle class is thriving and growing. He want all classes to be equal, he believes in civil rights as a major thing. He believes poverty should be gone. Barrack Obama also thinks welfare should be gone and single parent need their support. That are my basic thoughts on Barrack Obama .. How dose he plan to let America compete when he himself has so little experience in politics?

Rubiyath chy said...

The comment I chose to ask a clear question is to Tera Mango. Tara mango clearly wrote: As president, Barack Obama will implement a 21st century economic agenda to help ensure that America can compete in a global economy, and ensure the middle class is thriving and growing. He want all classes to be equal, he believes in cival rights as a major thing. He believes poverty should be gone. Barack Obama also thinks wellfare should be gone and single parent need their support.I think middle classes and lower classes will have to move out of america or die paying for all this expenses, if all the classes are equal.My question to Tara Mange is how can families from middle and lower classes pay for all this expenses such as huge amount of taxes if there equal to high class?

Matthew Bergin said...

The comment I choose is Katie Savarese. This was her comment. My candidate is john McCain. My issue is abortion. John McCain has recently stated that abortion is a tragedy in the human race. This was stated on john McCain .com
McCain has stated abortion to be illegal in many recent interviews.
John McCain said in an interview he is against abortion with the exceptions of rape. What she is trying to say is that john mccain thinks abortion is illegal and should only happen with rape. I disagree. If you do not want a child, but you are supposed to have one, you should have the right to termanate the prengreny. Also,if John McCain is aganist abortion, then teens should be watched at all times because they are the most likely to get a abortion. My question is,If john mccain is aganist abortion, then what would parents do if they can't have an abortion and don't want to give thier kids up to adaption?

rinaldiwasembeck said...

My commentc is on bianca she says that"Don't you think that almost all Americans pay too much for health and yet they can't pay for it all. That's why Obama campaign statement is that his health plan would help save 2,500 dollars for every American. He claims that 90% of all hospitals would have electronic record systems. Is this true? I think it is because he says his health care plan can save 120 billion dollars in one year. With electronic record systems you can help save many lives and with so much spare money imagine what other things you can help with in the world. That's the kind of president we need." My question to you is do you really think he did all of his. If so do you think with the machines doctar will find a cure to cancer.

ian said...

The comment I chose is Matthew Bergin. This is Matthews comment. John McCain supports the government of Iraq to be capable of supporting it's self. He does not want to discharge the troops until this happens. He says it would be a grave mistake to leave Iraq before Iraq has a capable security force. He says we should help Iraq because it is a heaven for terrorists because there is so much disorder. He says if we leave Iraq now, we would have a more dangerous war and a more costly one. I agree with him. This is my candidate.

Do you think its right to allow men and women to risk their life for a moronic war?. Barack Obama plans to withdraw two brigades every month for 16months.

Ciera Corley said...

The comment i chose was written by Sammuel Carlius. Sammuel wrote that Obama believes that kindergartners should be taught sex education. Sammual believes that Obama has made a horrific decision on education. He believes that it is wrong to learn about sex before learning how to read "It is bad for the education and families of America." My question for Sammuel is "If Obama really thinks this is appropiate, do you think he would allow his children Malia Ann Obama(who was born 1999) and Natasha Obama(who was born 2001)to learn about sex education?"

Alexander Calangi said...

My answer for susana liang is that obama will support iraq's government by giving money to iraq's government and will also teach the iraqi police.
my question is for Dia what will obama do for the police what will he give except for money

shaniabrooks said...

Sammuel Carlius saids that Barack Obama is tring to get legisation to give kidnerdnerns pervention of HIV and sex education. Do you think that it's right to teach kidnergardnerns self control, self discipline, responsblity, and sex education all before reading, writting, and math? Explain.

kiran kaul said...

Mathew Bergin says that John McCain supports the government of Iraq to be capable of supporting its self. John McCain thinks that it would be better if the troops stay in Iraq so it could get a capable security force . His statement is that Iraq is a heaven for terrorists because of the disorder. Mathew Bergin agreed with the idea that we should try and help Iraq. If we don’t it could lead to a more dangerous war and a war that maybe we wont be able to afford.

What makes you believe that John McCain can help Iraq and Barack Obama can’t ?

Tara Mango said...

I also re-read Sammuel Carliu’s blog entry. He did his question on Obama and kindergarten learning sex E.D. Obama feels its right for them to learn sex E.D and that it is very age appropriate, but really if you think about it are they going to understand what the teachers are telling them? Will they remember these things as a teenager or young adult? Well, most likely they will not. They will hear it but won’t comprehend it. I also would see why he would want to tell young children these things, the U.S have and has had the highest teen pregnancy rate. The rate is 81% and in 2009 the rate with be higher and sources say that over 750,000 teens will have a baby and 800,000 will be pregnant. Of course parents would not want it to be their children. Do you think this is better to teach a 4-6 year old or about 10-13 year old everyone has different thoughts about this and beliefs on it? So what is your belief what do you think.

Charles rampersant said...

The comment i chose was Mathew Bergin's. This was his comment:

"John McCain supports the government of Iraq to be capable of supporting it's self. He does not want to discharge the troops until this happens. He says it would be a grave mistake to leave Iraq before Iraq has a capable security force. He says we should help Iraq because it is a heaven for terroists because there is so much disorder. He says if we leave iraq now, we would have a more dangerous war and a more costly one. I agree with him. This is my candidate."
My question for this comment is if all the troops are dying and we need more we would probably need a draft and you can be selected to be in the army, so why do you want innocent people going in the draft?

destineegarcia said...

The comment I chose is ciera. She wrote:
My presidential campaign is Barack Obama. The presidential issue of interest to me is health care. Obama’s plan on health care is to supply every American with health insurance. He states that if you already have health insurance the only thing that will change is the amount of money you will spend will be less. But if you are one of the forty- five million Americans with out health care you will have to have it because it will be a law. What has Obama done about the forty- five millions of people with out any health care? Well, in 2005 Senator Obama spoke at the commencement of the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine about the importance of health information technology. He also held a speech on world aids. Obama will make available a new national health plan to all Americans, including the self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health care. Barack Obama has said that there will be lowering costs, increasing Medicaid, and to try to reduce risks.
My question for her is that why can't Obama use our taxes to pay for the health care for the people in need instead of finding ways to get them health care?

stacey collette said...

My comment is for Sammuels story.I dont think kindergarteners should be taught sex education.This is because there to younge to understand what sex is.Whats the point of teaching them about self control and aids and hiv before they even know how to read the word cat!!!!Think when you were in kindergarten do you really think you would know what blood transfer meant or aids or even sex. I mean obamas smart and all but he should really think maybe fifth grade or fourth grade but never ever lower than that.

biancat said...

I chose Susana Laing to comment on, and she wrote:My presidential campaign is Barack Obama. On May 29,2007 Obama made a speech about health care in Iowa City, IA. Barack Obama said “We now face an opportunity — and an obligation — to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates… My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.” Obama is making a new national health care plan for all Americans including all the self-employed and small businesses, for people so they could afford health coverage. Definitely no American will be turned down from any insurance company because of illness or any illnesses that you have had before.
My question to you is that, you said 45 million people have no helth insurance. For one avereged famaly insurance they pay 12 thousand dollars a year. Now multiply that by 45 million. Were is Obama going to get all that money?