Friday, October 10, 2008

5. Questioning, Due Friday

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Baalbaki thinks that…”

Then, write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble


Matthew Bergin said...

The comment I choose was Lionso Bienaime.He is what he wrote:In 1492 I think the best advantage was the fact they had guns. They could chase out any intruders and they could protect their selves from multiple enemies. They couldn't bother the Asians because they had geography(Geography is the science dealing with the real differentiation of the earth) on their side and they were unified they probably would influence the Europeans anyway or something of that sort. Besides it was a "gun" it probably looked scary to most of the people, and it was the perfect weapon(invention) to go conquer the world. That's why they were on top.What he is trying to say is that europe was the world's top power in 1492 because of they had guns and nobody could stop them.I agree with him.My question to him is why would europe be the top power? The other countries of the world have geography advantages. The europeans could not invade china because of there geographical advantages. Also, they could not invade africa because of there geographical advantages.

Deniss Sivohins said...
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Richard Yusupov said...

i choose Matthew bergin because he wrote that Europe had a big disadvantage with geography. i learned that Europe was protected with geography and other countries cannot pass the geographic features!

Imani Clarke said...

ian said "In 1492, the Western Europeans set sail to conquer the world. The Asians, Africans, and Native Americans didn't because of their geography. Geography is the study of the Earth. Geography can affect the climate, population, vegetation and more. The Native Americans natural resources were Cocoa, Corn, Potatoes, squash, tobacco, turkeys, and much more. The Asians natural resources are petroleum forests, fish, water and metal. The Africans natural resources are gold, copper, diamonds, coltan, oil natural gas, timber and coal. In 1492 the Europeans had guns, diseases, inspecially steel. A gun is a weapon that propels projectiles. Furthermore, the projectile is fired through a hollow tube called the gun barrel. In addition, a disease is an abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions which can cause death. Many of these sicknesses were caused by animals. For example, the Black plague caused a constint spread of a virus around Europe. A rat from China traveled on a ship and the disease traveled from the rat to 20million people."
My question for ian is why did you state The Asians, Africans, and Native Americans natural resources and not the europeans natural resources ?

Michelle N said...

The comment that i have chosen was Imani Clarke. She wrote that the Europeans came out to the top just because of the weapons. I understand whats shes saying about the Europeans being on the top of fights and wars because they have more and more powerful weapons but why couldnt any other country be as powerful or more powerful? Europeans couldn't invade China and Africa due to their geographic advantages.

caraevenstein said...

The comment i chose was Michelle N. This is what she wrote:
"In 1492, the Western Europeans set sail to conquer the world not the Native Americans, Asians, or Africans. This was because of Geography. Geography is the study of the earth surface. The Native Americans natural recourses were cocoa, corn, potatoes, squash, tobacco, and turkeys. The Asians natural recourses were petroleum forests, fish, water, and metal. The Africans natural resources were gold, copper, diamonds, coltan, oil, natural gas, timber, and coal.
Some of the advantages Europe had in the year 1492, were guns and diseases. Diseases are disordered or incorrectly working organ, bone or anything else in a living things body. Guns are weapons that consisted of steel and gunpowder. Most people would get their diseases from their animals such as dogs, cattle, pigs and etc."
My quetion for Michelle N. is:
Why do you think Europe has an advantage in diseases if diseases are disordered and incorrctly working organ? Was there alot of diseases in Europe?

Lionzo B. said...

The comment I chose was Matthew's he said: In 1492, I believe that the greatest disadvantage Europe had over the world was geography. Europe could not invade other countries such as china. This was because china was surrounded. One side was by the mountains, the other side was protected by rivers and the last side was protected by the Great Wall.Yeah I understand they had a advantage with their diseases they wiped out the natives yeah yeah. My question(s) is:
how could they use the diseases as an advantage, did they figure out that they wiped out the native Americans with their own diseases, was there any way that went wrong?

Lionzo B. said...

To answer your question Matthew:Why would the Europeans be the top power?
Another reason Europeans had top power was because they had more knowledge about certain things than other countries at that time. For example they had guns, clothes, and footwear.(even though Asia came out with the guns first,they soon realized that they had no use for them so they passed them on to the Europeans)Even though the Europeans were too advanced at that time that lead them to top power, and conquer.

Nicole Ma said...

The comment I chose was Ciera. She said: In 1492, the Western Europeans set sail to invaid the world. I think the Europeans advantage to conquer the world was basicaly there advanced weapons. Europe had many sucessful inventions. One invention which made it really easy to defeat the native americans and africans was the gun. Killing intruders and intruding the native americans and africans. If it wasn't for the geography of Asia Europe would have invaided Asia. Geography indead a disadvantage to the Europeans. But lukily to the Europeans it was easy to take over The Native Americans and Africans by diseases, weapons and plans. My question to Ciera is how are they able to get the idea of making guns?

Rubiyath chy said...

The person I really need to question is Marius. Marius stated There were many disadvantages to Europe also known as Eurasia but the most important to me is Eurasians were disunified by geography. I say that for many reasons. In the middle of Europe were only plains. That’s a place where you can’t grow any crops because of the heat. Also raise a population because of low stock on survival needs. Such as cows, rice, barley, oats and others. That’s why most people moved east and west on that location. The eastern and western side was more civilized for this reason. Another reason was that since the land was so rich in eastern and western locations people were always fighting over it. Unlike these days there were hundreds of Countries. A knight on a horse with a piece of land could be considered as a country. Also since their were so many fighting and weapons were advancing surrounding countries took advantage in many ways. Attacking when not prepared was often occurring.
My question to Marius is why would Europe be this much disunified by geography, when they got the one, two, three invention the gun which they can simply use to control the whole world?

Susana Liang said...
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Susana Liang said...

The comment I chose was Deniss Sivohins. Deniss’s comment is about in 1492, how the Western Europeans set to conquer the world and not the Native Americans, Asians nor Africans because of geography. Mr. Sivohins thinks that In 1492, the Western Europeans set sail to conquer the world and not the Native Americans, Asians or Africans because of there geography. Geography is the science dealing with the real differentiation of the earth's surface, as shown in the character, arrangement, and interrelations over the world of such elements as climate, elevation, soil, vegetation, population, land use, industries, or states, and of the unit areas formed by the complex of these individual elements. The Native Americans natural recourses are cocoa, corn, potatoes, squash, tobacco, and turkeys. The Asians natural recourses are petroleum forests, fish, water, and metal. The Africans natural resources are gold, copper, diamonds, coltan, oil, natural gas, timber, and coal. This is why the Western Europeans set sail to conquer the world and not the Native Americans, Asians or Africans.
One advantages Europe had in 1492 facing Native Americans or Africans are guns, disease, and steel. Guns are a weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is fired at high velocity into a relatively flat trajectory. Diseases are a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment. Steel are any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying according to composition and heat treatment: generally categorized as having a high, medium, or low-carbon content. How and why it leads to European ascendancy is by competition between nations, desire for wealth, and spread of Christianity because it will make governing or controlling influence and domination.

My question to Mr. Sivohins is that if the Western Europeans set to conquer the world and not the Americans, neither Asians, nor Africans how was the Americans, Asians and Africans geography like?

ian said...

The comment I chose was Ciera Corelys and this is what she stated In 1492, the Western Europeans set sail to invaid the world. I think the Europeans advantage to conquer the world was basicaly there advanced weapons. Europe had many sucessful inventions. One invention which made it realy easy to defeat the native americans and africans was the gun. Killing intruders and intruding the native americans and africans. If it wasn't for the geography of Asia Europe would have invaided Asia. Geography indead a disadvantage to the Europeans. But lukily to the Europeans it was easy to take over The Native Americans and Africans by diseases, weapons and plans. My question for Ciera is why did they have to use guns and not other weapon. Further more, I happen to agree with Nicole how were they capable of making guns?.

Charles rampersant said...

The comment i chose was rinaldi's. he stated:
In the 1492, the Western Europeans were the people to conquer the world because they had guns and weapons. They used their gun powder to make their guns and that why they were called "arms raised." They were also in very wars, the reason why a strong nation like China didnt take over is because they were very peaceful and used their gun powder for fire crackers.Finally as strong as the Europeans were they also had a great protection from their natural resouces and the Native and African Amercians didnt take over because most of them died of a sickness and they didnt have the guns they only used bows arrows and spears.

My question is: the europeans didnt have the geography for protection and why didnt china attack?

Ciera Corley said...

I decided to chose Imani Clarke's comment. In her comment she says that the Europeans had more knowledge and more ideas than other countries or continents and that was their advantage. My question to Imani is do you think if the other nations were as knowledgable and full of disease like Europe would you think they would be able to take over or be would they be destroyed on their first attempt to conquer?

kiran kaul said...
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kiran kaul said...
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kiran kaul said...

In 1492 Christopher Columbus had set sail to what he believed was India, but what is now the United States Of America. The Europeans had first set sail to North America. There were many advantages that the Europeans had. Imani Clark believes that on advantage that Europe had was that they had guns. Imani says that China had guns and then had loaned them to Europe. She also believes that Europe knew much about the world which is why they conquered most of it.

My question to Imani is that why would China just give the idea of the guns without any benefits? Another question to Imani is if the Europeans knew so much about the world then why didn’t Columbus ended up in India?

destineegarcia said...

The comment i chose was rinaldi's. he stated:
In the 1492, the Western Europeans were the people to conquer the world because they had guns and weapons. They used their gun powder to make their guns and that why they were called "arms raised." They were also in very wars, the reason why a strong nation like China didnt take over is because they were very peaceful and used their gun powder for fire crackers.Finally as great as the Europeans were they also had a great protection from their natural resouces and the Native and African Amercians didnt take over because most of them passed away of a sickness and they didnt have the guns they only used bows arrows and spears.

destineegarcia said...

The comment i chose was rinaldi's. he stated:
In the 1492, the Western Europeans were the people to conquer the world because they had guns and weapons. They used their gun powder to make their guns and that why they were called "arms raised." They were also in very wars, the reason why a strong nation like China didnt take over is because they were very peaceful and used their gun powder for fire crackers.Finally as great as the Europeans were they also had a great protection from their natural resouces and the Native and African Amercians didnt take over because most of them passed away of a sickness and they didnt have the guns they only used bows arrows and spears.

stacey collette said...

The comment i chose was Michelle's comment on Imani's comment. I agree with both of you. This is because Europe had an advantage because it had invented guns and othef dangerous weapons,yet again China had an advantage because of its geography. China is surrounded by a thick forest and the Indian ocean. It would be very hard to invade the country.So,even though Europe is very powerful, other countrys have better advantages and power.

Tara Mango said...

Imani Clarke. She wrote that the Europeans came out to the top just because of the weapons. I understand whats shes saying about the Europeans being on the top of fights and wars because they have more and more powerful weapons but why couldnt any other country be as powerful or more powerful? Europeans couldn't invade China and Africa due to their geographic advantages.

My questions are
- Why did the the have geographic advantges ?
- Does everyone agree the in 1492 and 1491 were a big difference?

Dia Abdallah said...
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Dia Abdallah said...

The comment i chose was lionso bienamine he said the best advantage was the fact they had guns. They could chase out any intruders and they could protect their selves from multiple enemies.
my question is how could they chase out intruders if no can get to them because of there geograohy.

Richard Yusupov said...

i choose Matthew Bergin he said that Europe had a disadvantage with geography. then wrote that china was protected by geography, and invaders could not get in. also that china build the great wall to stop the Mongolians from entering. my question is that Europe is like china they both have lots of geography to protect themselves and china has little wars and Europe has many why is that if both places are surrounded in geography?

biancat said...

The comment I chose was Stacey Collettes.Stacey wrote that MC Cain is against abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest, and danger to the mothers life.He also said that, he supports adoptions and encourages young pregnant teenagers to do the same. He also thinks that foster homes could use a big improvement. MC Cain thinks that late-term abortion procedure known as partial birth should be prohibited. he wants to prohibit public funding of abortions, and public funding of organizations that advocate to perform abortion.
Stacey, my question for you is that what do you belive in, do you agree with MC Cain? what is your opinion?

Deniss Sivohins said...

The comment I chose is Susana Liang. Susana Liang thinks that in 1492, the western Europeans sailed to conquer/invade the world and not the Native Americans, Asians nor Africans because of geography, because of geography and how it was built it was more easier to invade because Europe was disunited by geography. Also because it wasn’t like China, China was protected by geography because they had built the Great Wall. Geography is basically the study of the earth and its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity. The Native Americans natural resources were cocoa, corn, squash, gum, chili, potatoes, tobacco, and turkeys. The Asians natural resources were fish, water, and metal. The Africans natural resources were gold, copper, diamonds, coltan, oil, natural gas, timber, and coal. Advantages Europeans had were guns, which they had improved because guns weren’t so good back then. Another advantage would be steel. Steel is basically a thing or things made of metal. Also another advantage would be diseases because of animals. Animals had germs that would give humans diseases. This is how the western Europeans in 1492 were able to sail and conquer the world and their advantages but not the Native Americans, Asians, nor the Africans.

My question to Susana Liang about her comment is “What kind of geography did the Native Americans, Asians, or Africans had that the Europeans could not conquered/invaded them? This is my question to Susana Liang comment.