Monday, November 24, 2008

8. What will President Obama do about the economy? Due Dec 1st

In the last two web logs many students have written about greed, in class Yanek asked, "How much is enough?" This week we are going to take a jump from American History back into current events, you may find a connection.

In class you have been given two readings about Obama's proposals, which proposals do you think are most important and why. Do you have any other proposals for easing the economic crisis?

Your task for this web log is to draft a letter to the president-elect on the proposal that you favor (either Obama's, your own, or another student's).

After next week's revisions you are invited to prepare a final copy for mailing to president-elect Obama.


Imani Clarke said...

Dear President Elect Obama,
Congratulations on your winning the 2008 presidential election.
Here are some ideas that I think you should consider in your economic proposal.

A. The car industry should invest the money that they have made inventing cars that run on gas, in making new car models that don’t run on gas but on corn or special herbs. This would really help the environment.

B. Government should control the bonuses that the Wall Street executives and other financial personnel receive at the end of the year,
because they have requested federal funds to bail out their financial problems. These funds should be reinvested in the company to stimulate growth. This would really help the economy.

C. Open up communication with other nations, in order to improve our relations with these nations and ensure America’s position as a world leader. This would help foreign policy and work towards securing world peace.

I also agree with your idea of eliminating income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000. I agree with this idea because all seniors who only make $50,000 or less can’t afford to pay income taxes. They need their money for health care, housing, food, and daily living expenses.

Keep up the good work.

Imani Clarke

Michelle N said...

Dear President Obama,
Congratulations on winning the 2008 Presidential Election. Our economy is going down hill. In this letter, i wanted to let you know some of my ideas that could be done to resolve the economic crisis.

1. I think that people that have an income of $250,000 or more should pay more taxes. If people with an income of $250,000 or more and get charged more taxes, i think that the government would have more money and then the government could bailout big banks.

2. I think that the Car Industries should stop making fuel cars and should start making cars that run on electricity. If the car industries do so, then we would have less pollution and it would help our environment.

3. Another thing i think is that we should be more social with other rich countries. If we can be socially friendly to each other, we would have less terrorist attacks and more peace.

4. I think that if everyone starts saving up money and stop spending it for not so necessary needs. If people start saving up money then they will have more money to pay for their houses, for food, and needed clothing. Also, if people stop smoking, then they would have more money. Buying cigarette packs costs a lot of money for a lot of people. One pack of cigarettes costs at least $8.60!

As of your plans, i agree with the idea of lowering health care insurance. I think that health is very important and if something serious ever happens, people need insurance and a lot of people cannot afford the cost of the health insurance plans.

We have hope in you!

Michelle Nemirovskaya

Tara Mango said...

Dear President Barrack Obama,

Well to start off congratulations on being the next president of the United States. For this letter I would like to talk about our economy. Our economy is falling like crazy and we need to do something to help it. Hopefully when you com into office we can start to fix this right away.
Things must change and I will start of with something you have said in the past three months. Well you advisor said that the stimulus plan will rise to be $175 billion dollars. This is insane how are people that don’t have jobs going to pay for these things. And spending $700 billion dollars to buy bad debts is not good.
Well as I was saying before about people who can not afford to lose their job is something that is very important. In Foxwoods Casino about 700 people lost their job because of the economy. When we have 1000’s of people a day losing their job that makes it harder for people to spend money which means people aren’t going to buy things and that not going to make the economy higher and then we have less workers.
Finally there is one more thing, in the 1970’s their was also an economy problem and they fired 1000’s of teachers around the world and one teacher had to teach 50 children. Well now almost 40 years later will this have to happen again?
We obviously can’t go on with this we need you help!

Tara Mango

Dia Abdallah said...

Dear president elect Barak Obama
Congrats for winning the 2008 president election and good luck. I wanted to pitch some ideas to you about the economic process the you should review. Why don’t they take a lot of tax from any businesses that make good money instead of a little grocery store?

I agree with you about the 95 percent tax relief your doing and the $500 a person $1000 per working family. I also agree with you about tax relief for small businesses to encourage innovation and job creation.

I think your doing a good thing by providing 50 billion dollars and preventing 1 million people losing there jobs. I also like that you will fight for a trade policy that opens up foreign markets to support good American jobs.

Dia Abdallah

caraevenstein said...

Dear President Elect Obama,
Congradulations on winning the 2008 election. In this letter, I am going to give you some ideas and advice that you should use to help in your economic proposal.

1. The car industry should be more aware of the pollution that cars are giving and should make cars that ride with electricity than gas. It is less money and you are staying green!

2. The food in grocery stores prices should go down or lower the tax because seniors make less than $250,000 when they need to afford to pay income taxes.

3. I think people should buy things that they actually need. Not always what they want! I'm not saying you can't at all but I'm just trying to say is there are some financial problems so i think they should save up their money.

4. People in other countries should communicate with other rich countries and make world peace. I think if they do that, there will be less torriest attacks and less war in this world.

I agree and apprectate that you are lowering taxes on health insurace and that you are giving 50 billion dollars and preventing 1 million people losing there jobs. I think that with people with lowered insurece, can now afford their insurance when something bad happenes. Also, i apprectiate that you are giving 50 million dollars and preventing 1 million people with no jobs because everyone needs a job. People need money in this world.

Cara Evenstein

ian said...

Dear President Elect Obama,
Congratulations on winning the 2008 presidential election. This past month the stock market has tumbled tremendously. In adition, our economy is falling apart. Here are some tips that might help our economy.
1. In the United States Of America we own three major car companies. Ford, General Motors, and others. They had lost lots of money. This week the car industry and congress discused about the bailout on these companies. During your speeches you were focusing on middle class Americans and there jobs. These companies employed many men and women. If they lose there jobs what will we do?. What I would like to say is the goverment should talk about the situation and tell people to buy American products. If people can buy them our economy will become strong once again like it always was. Furthermore, we must find a way not to use gasoline but to find a soultion to solar energy and long lasting hybrids.
2. The War in Iraq has lead the US in a major conflict with the middle east. As you mentioned we should bring our troops back home. I agree with your plan about bringing 2 or more brigades every 6months. Up until the surge plan was created by General David Patraeus and Geroge W. Bush, we have seen no progress in the Middle East.
3. The United States should side with more countries and form more allies. Since we have witnessed major terrorist attacks we need as much help as we need incase of a major catastrophy.
I hope you can make a difference in this wonderful country. God Bless America!!!!!!!.
Ian Chwatuk

Susana Liang said...

Dear President Elect Obama,
Congratulations on your winning the 2008 presidential election!
Our economy has been bad, I have some ideas that I would hope you would listen to and reconsider your economical proposal. It would help out and possibly make a solution to this huge problem we are having.

1. I think that if people earn a huge amount of money they should pay more for taxes because if they earn more they shouldn’t mind paying more since they have earn more profit then others. As if lets say you own a huge store that earns a huge amount of profit and there’s this little store across the street from you but earns very little profit shouldn’t the huge store get more tax fees since they are earning more?
2. I think that car companies should make cars that run on electricity because it helps our environment, because of cars that run on gas it pollutes the earth; I know it would cost billions of dollars to change all stations to recharge electric cars but it helps the earth and could stop pollution. Also In the US, about 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from cars and light trucks like SUVs, contributing to climate change, air pollution, and diseases.
3. I also think that for immigration, immigrants shouldn’t be able to get drivers licenses and etc. because once lots of immigrants come to America, the immigrants would most likely get what they want lets say jobs, people who already have jobs that are not immigrants would be scared to lose their jobs because once more and more people come to America and they look for jobs to earn money the people who aren’t immigrants lose there job. I think that immigrants should be let in to come to America but they should stay in America for an amount of time to become an American citizen and earn stuff like drivers’ licenses and etc.
4. I think we should communicate with other countries and make peace and love, this way we would have no wars and no terrorists and etc. No one gets killed or harmed and we would feel entirely safe in our country and soldiers wouldn’t be drafted off to war and soldiers would be killed and families would be upset and terrified if we try to communicate and be friendly this way we could make a whole world of friendship, love, and peace.

I agree with you on your plan of lowering health care insurance because lets say a women was seriously injured and needed help but didn’t have enough money for insurance with this we can help the women out with a price of affordable insurance and we can save tons of lives and feel happy. Also with lower health care insurance we can save up and still have an amount for other stuff that we need that are useful in our daily lives.

You can help us!

Susana Liang

Rubiyath chy said...

Dear President Elect Obama,
Congratulaion on you're win of the 08 presidency race. As you can see our economy has and still will ruin many people's life. The proposals I am going to suggest are:

1. When allowing americans to borrow from retirement savings without a tax penalty, we should make sure this americans pay interest. Every month, they should pay a certain amount of cash from their loan, including a interest.

2. Many people who have lost most of their life and career in the Stock Market, should get a new chance. A beggining chance to make them sucessful. To help them out, we should start a stock market allowing more then 300,000 americans to join. This way America can soon be out of crisis, when everyone could pay their loans.

3. I extremely believe priniting less money, will help people save money and spend less. When we do print less money, I know the cost and demand of everything goes up. This is great because a $200,000 dollar house might be one million dollars, which means this way 10% out of 100% percent of americans will risk buying that house.

I agree with you're plan of bringing tropps back to the Usa from Iraq. I believe this war has cost us the crisis.

rinaldiwasembeck said...
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rinaldiwasembeck said...

Dear President Elect Obama.
Congrats on winning the presidentail election in 2008. These are some of my ideas that you should consdier putting into your propsal.

1. I think instead of making loans to other countries for example
China. We the people of America should start making our own materails.
2. I also think that the car companies should start making cars the run on solar energy. All they have to do is instead of making those nice big trucks just buy solar panels to put on the cars so it can be friendly to the earth.
3. Next I also say tax the people with big moeny more like Donald Trump. Sinse they have alot of moeny they should big taxed more and if they were i bet (5% America would not be in so much dept like the way we are right now.
4. Finally I say Obama should make a peace treaty in Iraq bucause more and more people are fighting for a dumb war. Also because most of the moeny is put into the war that is aslo a reason why American is in a bad crisis.
These are my reason on the economic proposal. I hope you condiser these reason in your proposal.
Rinaldi Wasemebck

Lionzo B. said...
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Lionzo B. said...

Dear President elect Obama,
Although I am just a 7th grader I have some suggestions about helping the economic crisis.It had said in my reading that hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes to foreclosure, also 760,000 people lost their jobs between January and September.Even though there are food banks and shelters to feed and provide people with, why is it heading to such a level when people are force to lose their homes/jobs?Will it ever come to the point when millions of Americans will have no jobs or homes?Can't you see that this is making it even worst?
Some ways the economy can get better is, when giving money to auto companies make sure the new car models are using less energy/gas and they are creating less problems.Or if the models aren't that much of a difference then save that money to help pay off America's loans.You can stop this invisible hand, create more money but don't increase prices.With more money in America people can get their jobs back and their homes, also people can get raises to help pay off their own debts/loans.Make taxes more useful let taxes go directly to helping America's debts.
I agree with what you had said in your proposal about letting people take from the retirement savings with out tax penalty.Also banks should become the way they use to be, you should of had a certain status to take loans so if you only mad $50,000 a year you wouldn't borrow a $500,000 loan.It is risky just putting more money out there but it could work if Americans and the government uses the money wisely.

Your going to do a good job as President.(stop this war I think its part of the reason America is in this mess)

Lionzo Bienaime

katie savarese said...

Dear president elect Obama,

congratulations on winning the 2008 election. Here are some ideas for your economic proposal. I think that our economy is going downhill. I think that car manufactures should start making cars that does not run on gas. Also people are not able to keep there jobs. Teachers are being cut and more children are being but into 1 class which is affecting there learning. People are afraid of spending money so that is not helping the economy. It is getting impossible for a family to afford groceries I think they should start lowering the prices of food. I agree with you lowering taxes on health insurance. I also agree with you giving 50 billon dollars to prevent 1 million people losing there jobs.

Katie savarese

chris said...

Dear president elect obama i belive that you should creat more slots to government offices or you you could even buy other companys wich are gong out of bidiness.I if this is done many of the people that may and already have lost there jobs may regain then or continue having those job you will then not compleatly baleout other
companys but you can pay most of it then you can pass a bill to congress saing not able to extremly rase pices.then you shale print out more money and not risk infation to grow rapidly you pass fedaral law that minimum wage goes along with other people who win more as well to rais there pay by at least 2doollars more charge a little bit more for taxes now that people are ganing more money that is whow i belive the economy canend up getting fixed.

Ciera Corley said...

Dear president elect Obama,

I have come up with some ways in he;ping the economy crisis.
1. To become alys with other wealthy countries. I believe that if we should become friends with them they can help us and we can rteurn favors over time
2. I believe if we increase taxes for people who make at least $300,000 a year and decrease taxes for people who make under $300,000 the economy would be even andd would save so much more money.
3. If you increase taxes on huge money making businesses and decraese tax on samll businesses then i believe that the small businesses will decrese prices and more people will buy from them and everyone would have an advantage in this.
4. auto mobile industries should really cut down on money for cars that run on gas. They should pay more attention on cars that run on water electricity and other herbs. This will help the enviroment and less money on gas in other areas in the world.

Raymond Chen said...

Dear President Elect Obama,
Congratulations on winning the presidential election of 2008! I favor your proposals, but some need work to be done on them so that that make sense, work out, and it is fair to the citizens. I favor your proposal for health care benefits, even if they can't afford it. If citizens can afford all the bills and expenses, let them pay them off and worry about those who can only pay off some of it, and also those who can't afford to pay for any of it off. Although you may be taking care of those who can't afford it at all, attention must also be brought to those who can only afford to pay off a bit of it.
Your decision to use other types of fuel to produce energy instead of oil and a variety of different types will also be very helpful; it may save millions, or maybe even billions of dollars in this economy. If vehicles run on fuels we can afford, people may have a chance to get their jobs back. A source of fuel production that we have that will be plentiful are sunlight and if not, wind. We can simply install more solar panels and windmills. In case there is too much power, we can make extra batteries.
You want to get rid of taxes for senior citizens that earn under $50,000 annually which I agree with because I don't think they deserve to struggle at such an old age with such low pay. I also agree with bringing tax relief to citizens every year after it takes effect. In order to get out of this economic crisis, I recommend collecting regular taxes and using a certain percentage of that to pay off the debt(I'm sure there will be lots of tax to collect).

Well, all I really have left to say is good luck taking care of this nation, I hope you can help us get out of the economic crisis and get back on track, and help the nation in ways that will last for a long time.

You can do it!

Raymond Chen

Deniss Sivohins said...

November 30, 2008

Dear President Elect Obama,

Congratulations on your winning of the 2008 presidential election! Our economy has been falling apart. I have some ideas that I would hope you would listen to regarding the economy and adding to your economic proposal. It would possibly help out or make a solution to this huge problem we are having.

1. I think that if people earn a huge amount of money they should pay more taxes and the people who earn not a huge amount of money should pay fewer taxes because we have to make the same amount of money to all the people to not have any problems. The people who have a huge amount of money should pay 25% of their value (consisting of how much money do they have). The people who have not a huge amount of money should pay 12% of their value (consisting of how much money do they have).

2. I think that car companies should make cars that run on electricity or any other substance that doesn’t explode because it will help the environment, that means no destruction, climate change, diseases, and pollution. I know it will cost a lot of money to change every gasoline station but it will save the environment. It may save some valuable resources with that too.

3. I think that we have to give money to science because we need new discovers and increase of human understanding of how the physical world works. We need to make life as much easier as possible. Like making DNA sample animals that give food or drink to us or else.

4. I think we should communicate and make peace with other countries because this way we would not have any wars and etc. We won’t have to pay huge amount of money to wars and let people die for it. No one will get killed or harmed and we would feel entirely safe in our country. No destruction to the environment or else.

I agree with you on your plan in lowering health care insurances because if people are in medical trouble situation and they need immediately help but didn’t have enough of money for insurance this may save tons of lives and people will feel happy. With lower health care insurance we can save up and still have an amount of money for other stuff that we need that are useful in our daily lives. I hope you can make a difference in this wonderful country. God Bless America!


Deniss Sivohins

Nicole Ma said...
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Nicole Ma said...

Dear President Elect Obama,
As you know, our economy is going down. Everything is all messed up. I had read about your proposals. I completely agree with you about eliminating income tax on unemployment benefits. This will be a big relieve for those people who lost their jobs. Every penny that they can save will help them thru difficult times. The money can be used for their own needs. Unlike people who still have a job, they are able to afford paying income tax.
I think a way that might help the economy is having the government giving out more jobs. Once there are more jobs, it leads to other jobs and soon the economy won’t be as bad as today.

kiran kaul said...

Dear soon to be president Barack Obama,

Congratulations on beating John McCain. You are soon going to be president of the United States. One topic that you really need to take care of fast is the economy. The economy is crashing and if you don’t do something fast there is going to be a lot of crazy things going on. I have some ideas that maybe you can add to your economic proposal.

1. One thing that I think we should do is to cut prices on a lot of our everyday stuff. The gas prices should go down. The price for milk. Lots of food prices should go down. If we cut our prices on a lot of our stuff , then there will be more people buying.

2. Another good thing to do is to cut down the taxes for people who cant afford that much. I think that all the huge, big houses should be paying a little more tax. Many people have little houses and the taxes are huge.

3. The last thing that you should do is if nothing works out, you should just pay for all the damages. I think president George Bush didn’t do a very good job in letting the banks have freedom. If you pay for everything then don’t let the banks again we wont have another economy problem anymore.

Well congratulations again, but I really think that we all are expecting better things from you. I hope you consider what I said and hope that you do a great job as president.

Kiran Kaul

biancat said...

dear president elect obama ,
these are some things i think you should think about in your economic proposal. one thing is about the population of people in America. dont you think that its to much. beacase of this terorists and other bad people can come in easaly. an other thing is about the oil, i think people should drive on hibred cars to save oil. i also have an other idia. i think taxes should go down. it is too much.

Marius.Fitzworme said...
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Marius.Fitzworme said...

Dear President Elect Obama,

The best part of your plan to help the economy is enlarging government promises on financial institutions because the banks need to know that the government will make sure that people will pay off their loans. Your team also makes a good point when it argues that businesses will make more jobs if they get a $3000 dollar tax credit.

I have some ideas about how we can help. Create cars that use less energy. This will help because in addition to having a lighter impact on the Earth’s resources it will also help families with their high gas prices and the car companies make money and workers will have jobs. I don’t think the people want the Government to own these car companies but I do think that the government should pass a law that requires a high mile per gallon perhaps at least 30 miles per gallon.

I hope this was helpful to you.


Marius Fitzworme

stacey collette said...

Dear president elect Obama,

First I would love to congratulate you for historic win. However I think that our economy needs a lot of help.That is why I decided to help you by making a few minor suggestions.
First I think that the goverment should give some money to the car companies that make hybrid cars.This is because our enviorment is also being torn apart.The more hybrid cars out there the easier it is on global warming.I also think this is a good idea because with the extra money they will most likely charge less money for the hybrids so most people can afford them.

Another thing I think is a very important crisis in our countries is the amount of people without a home to live in. I think a good way to help all these people is to change around some of our taxes. I think the people who make over $350,000 a year should have there taxes raised and the people who make under that should have there taxes decreased.I feel this could really help some people to save enough money to pay off there rent and morgage payments.After this is done it could save peoples lives to.If you live on the street you have a greater chance of catching a flu or cold,or even starving to death.
One other thing that I think is important is try to make treates with other countries that can help our country. If we make treaties with richer or bigger countries they can help us and we could help them. These are my ideas on our economy crisises and how we can fix them

Matthew Bergin said...

Dear Presiden Elect Obama, Congratulations on your winning the 2008 presidential election.
Here are some ideas that I think you should consider in your economic proposal.
1. Tell the automakers to instead of making cars that run on gas, tell them to make hybrid cars.
2. Going back to the automakers, when they have a decent amount of hybrid cars, tell them to pay off some of thier debt, instead of making more debt for themselves.
3. If people make more than 250,000 a year, they should pay higher taxes so that they can have more money to bail out the banks.
4. If you decide to give money to the banks, tell them instead of trying to invest, pay off some of thier debt.
You are doing a great job.
keep up the good work.
Sincerly, Matthew Bergin.